Is The Animal A Problem?

The first thing that a professional will need to assess is if a real problem exists. The individual will come to where the issue is and seek to find out what kind of animal it is, a possible reason why the animal is there and how they may possibly remove it. This assessment will also include trying to find out if there are any baby animals involved in the situation.
In formulating a resolution between the human and the animal(s) having more knowledge is better than no knowledge. Animals can be very sensitive to being messed with. Especially if there are young involved, relocation can get very difficult. Caution must be used and proceeding in a way that does no harm to animal or environment is desired.
Seriousness Of Problem
The next level in determining the best solution to an animal issue is to decide how serious the issue is. Is this an animal that is showing signs of disease? Is the animal vicious or acting in a violent manner? Can the animal be approached or subdued at all? All of these are important factors in determining the most humane way to get the animal relocated. Once it has been determined that the animal needs to be moved, then the professionals must determine if this issue was because of a seasonal change or if the issue will arise again and again. If it is determined that the season, weather or lack of food, is the issue then the animal is a candidate for quick relocation without steps being taken to prevent it again.
If the issue is something that can foreseeably be something that will recur, then steps will need to be taken to prevent it from happening again. This may mean a fence being erected, fixes to holes in a dwelling or shed, or even moving the animal to a different region where it will have ample shelter and food.
Assess Options
The third step is to assess the options for removal. Options can vary based on the type of animal, its age, and whether there are young involved. Options may also vary depending on where the animal is. Is the animal on the exterior of a home or dwelling, or has it infiltrated a basement, crawl space, or attic?
Some of the options can include:
- repellents
- changing of human actions
- modifications to buildings
These stand as some of the top ways to humanely eradicate wildlife issues. Repellants will keep the animals from wanting to return to an area. Some examples of this type of removal can include products found on the open market. These can be things like the urine of predators for the animal at issue.

Repellantsย are probably the most humane and effective means to move an animal from one area to another. Sprinkling the perimeter of the area with the repellent will deter the animals from returning to places where they simply should not be. Repellants are also very affordable and can be gotten at many hunting stores.
655 Main St, Delta Colorado 81416 US
Open Hours:
Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm